Radical Hospitality: Research and Best Practices in Trauma Informed Design

Location: The California Endowment, Los Angeles, CA

April 7, 2022

"Radical Hospitality: Research and Best Practices in Trauma Informed Design" discussed the effects of long-term and systemic trauma with an overview of trauma-informed design research and its findings. The participation and turnout were great!

Link to Recording of Event Here

Ali Barar, AIA, Managing Principal at PRACTICE and Board Member, Community Design Group
Kelsey Madigan, LCSW, Director of Interim Housing at @lafamilyhousing
Rev. Laura Rossbert, Chief Operating Officer & Supportive Housing Specialist, at Shopworks Architecture
Claire Latane, Assistant Professor Landscape Architecture at Cal Poly Pomona, author of Schools That Heal: Design with Mental Health in Mind
Oscar Alvarado, Vice President of Development at Century Housing
Greg Kochnanowski, AIA, ASLA, Design Principal at PRACTICE_ and Board Member, Community Design Group (moderator)